Entech Signs - Alpha-LED - Gallery

LED Signs for Government, Military and Businesses!

Northside Baptist Church - Carrollton TX

Pitch: 16MM / 8MM Virtual
Size: 7ft 11in x 3ft 2in
Matrix: 45x150 / 120x300 Virtual
Type: Monument / Double Face 
Color: Full Color RGB




Northside Baptist Church exists to help ordinary people experience extraordinary living through the power and love of Jesus Christ.  To promote their message and vision they have installed a full color LED Sign at the busy intersection to outreach to the neighborhood.  Northside Baptist uses its LED Sign to promote service times, special events, holidays, and other special messages.  By displaying attractive vibrant digital messages on the busy road nearby they have been able to keep the community informed of what is going on and help build a vibrant and strong family of believers at their Church.